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Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by weaslebee2 on Oct 24, 2009 9:32:43 GMT -7
Emily looked around the Great Hall, which had been turned into a spectacular ballroom. She had no idea of why she even came, she didn't have a boyfriend, nor did she think that anyone would ask her to dance. Perhaps she might meet up with one of her friends here. But as for now, she was feeling extremely awkward in her fancy garb, with nobody to escort her. She sighed and made her way to the punch bowl. She got herself a cup, but didn't drink it as she leaned against the wall. Emily frowned a bit.
She wished that she had just stayed behind in the common room that evening. Where were her siblings? She supposed that Gabriella was with Isaac, and as for Blaize... He didn't have a girlfriend, did he? Emily so seldom spoke with her brother anymore that she had no idea as to what was going on. She was just glad that OWL exams were over, though having someone to spend the evening with would be nice...
Emily's attire Hair
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by doodle on Oct 24, 2009 11:37:29 GMT -7
Blaize entered the Great Hall, wearing his black dress robes, and an expression that clearly said "I have no idea as to why I'm here." The truth was, he had been planning on asking Sydney to come with him, but he had chickened out, and no one under forth year was allowed unless escorted by someone older. Back to the old standby he supposed, the punch bowl. He was grateful when he saw Emily, they hadn't spoken in a while. "Hi Ems," said Blaize as he got himself a cup of punch, then joined her in leaning against the wall.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by weaslebee2 on Oct 24, 2009 11:42:04 GMT -7
"Oh, hey Blaize," said Emily. Perhaps this would turn out like most of the balls she had attended, just standing off to the side, talking with Blaize. That sounded like more fun than standing by herself, though. "No date?" she asked, and then without waiting for him to respond, began to talk again. "Yeah, me neither." She took a sip of punch. It was good, as always. She allowed herself a sigh, figuring she would let Blaize take over the conversation.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by doodle on Oct 24, 2009 11:46:06 GMT -7
Blaize had opened his mouth to tell her that he had not gotten a date for the evening, but she seemed to already know. It was hard for him to imagine that Emily didn't have a boyfriend, she was likable when not depressed. Witty, sarcastic, funny. He supposed she might be a bit headstrong for some guys, though. "Are you going to be getting a job again, soon?" asked Blaize, then took a sip of punch. He wasn't sure if Emily was emotionally ready to get another job or not.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by weaslebee2 on Oct 24, 2009 11:49:32 GMT -7
Emily's throat tightened at Blaize's mention of jobs. She had just barely gotten over the depression from when she was attacked after her shift in Hogsmeade, she wasn't sure if she was ready just yet. She had not even gone back to Hogsmeade since that day, though it was a little more than five months ago. "I'm not sure." said Emily, using the tone that conveyed that she was uncomfortable with the present subject. Blaize usually picked up on those type of things.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by doodle on Oct 24, 2009 11:53:54 GMT -7
"Oh, okay," said Blaize, now looking down at his shoes. He didn't want to pursue the topic any further, as Emily seemed uncomfortable with it. He looked up from his feet to study the room, a few couples were dancing on the floor, but most of the people were along the edges, talking amongst themselves. The majority of the dancing would begin later, as the band started to play more upbeat songs. "Have you seen Safira?" Blaize asked curiously.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by weaslebee2 on Oct 24, 2009 11:57:23 GMT -7
Emily couldn't help but give a small sigh of relief as Blaize chose another topic. She didn't like talking about what had happened to her that December night. Nor anything related to it for that matter. "No, I haven't," said Emily. "She's bound to be around somewhere though, it isn't like her to skip out on a party." She wondered if Safira had gotten a date, she probably did, those were just two things about her; she never missed a party, and she always had a date.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by doodle on Oct 24, 2009 12:01:03 GMT -7
"You're right about that," said Blaize, then found himself unable to think of anything else to say. He compensated for this by taking a sip of punch that was probably a bit too big. He swallowed forcefully and coughed a couple of times. That was the last time he was going to do that. Blaize returned to glancing about the room. He was glad that he and Emily got along so well, in spite of her being Slytherin and his being Hufflepuff. Perhaps it was just that they were the "disappointments," since both Ron and Hermione had wanted them to be Gryffindors like Gabriella.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by bugock on Oct 24, 2009 12:07:54 GMT -7
Safira walked into the Great Hall, Zelphar beside her. They had decided to go as friends, since neither of them had gotten a date. She had been hoping to see the Weasley twins there, so perhaps they could have their own little corner and chat between the four of them. She turned to Zelphar. "Thanks for taking me," said Safira with a grateful smile. She had recently broken up with her boyfriend, and probably wouldn't have come if Zelphar hadn't asked her. "Oh, there's Emily and Blaize!" she said.
Safira's attire Hair
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by squiggle on Oct 24, 2009 12:12:18 GMT -7
"Yeah, no problem," said Zelphar. He didn't mind taking Safira, even if they were only going as friends. She was a close friend of his, and had just gone through a nasty breakup (as in shouting at one another in the middle of the Gryffindor common room), it was the least he could do. And since Azzurra was still dating Alec... "Oh, okay," said Zelphar, and then led the way over to the Weasleys, both of whom were leaning against the wall by the punch. "Hey," he said to them as he got Safira and himself a cup of punch.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by weaslebee2 on Oct 24, 2009 12:16:33 GMT -7
"Hey," Emily echoed, grinning. Now this could be some form of a party. Sure, some people might find it weird that Emily the Slytherin usually hung around a Hufflepuff and two Gryffindors, but she found that she didn't get along very well with the other Slytherins. They were all obsessed with being pureblood, while Emily was half when the Weasleys had been "pure" for a long time, and before that were "a bunch of blood traitors." She didn't give a damn. Safira's eyes looked red, as if she had been crying a while ago. "Are you okay?" Emily asked her.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by bugock on Oct 24, 2009 12:20:49 GMT -7
"Oh, I'm fine," said Safira. "I broke up with Gerald yesterday, but I'm okay now." She put particular emphasis and almost resentment on "Gerald," but he had not been the nicest boyfriend she had ever had, and a few minutes after they had had their shouting match, he had started making out with someone else! Safira was still angry with him, but supposed he would never have a good relationship if he kept up what he was doing.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by doodle on Oct 24, 2009 12:25:47 GMT -7
Blaize had not been sure of what to say about Safira's recent breaking up with her boyfriend. He hadn't even met him before. He preferred to stay out of his friends' love lives, since he tended to mess things up in that area. "That stinks," said Blaize, then took a sip of punch. He was going to leave it at that. If Safira really wanted to talk about it, he figured it would be wisest to bring it up with Emily.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by squiggle on Oct 24, 2009 12:33:35 GMT -7
Zelphar's mind began to wander to Azzurra, they had been the best of friends since they were really young, but he now felt strongly for her. He wanted to be the one to hold her in his arms, kiss her, tell her that he loves her... But no, Alec had to get involved. Zelphar still didn't trust him, mostly because some of the Gryffindor girls he'd been with had told him that he was unfaithful. Or tried to get in their pants. Zelphar remained quiet.
0 posts
Dec 1, 2024 2:02:31 GMT -7
Post by bugock on Oct 25, 2009 16:15:12 GMT -7
"No matter," said Safira after what she considered to be a lengthly pause. She had cried that night, but was over it now, she was better than him, he didn't deserve her. "Now enough of this foolishness, we're here to have fun." Safira told her closest friends. She took a quick sip of punch, then checked her reflection in the side of the shiny cup. Good, she had not smudged her pink lipstick. Perhaps they might go out and dance when a better song came on.