Post by kamf on Nov 22, 2011 8:46:43 GMT -7
Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
Name: Sophia Camila Mills ((SOPHIE))
Age: 16
Birthday: December 5th, 2007
Year: 5th
Blood Type: O negative
Orientation: Straight
Blood Status: Half- Blood
Play-By: Ariana Grande
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 45.4 kg
Hair Colour: Changes with her mood, but naturally dark brown.
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Colour:Naturally tanned but not dark
Distinguishing Features: Her hair and her ability to change her features. Though is she wasn't to change anything he most attractive feature would be her body.
Dressing Style: Normally you would often find Sophie wearing just plain jane casual clothing. She isn't into wearing the name brands, she wears whatever she deems comfortable even if it doesn't match.
Personality Traits: smart, daring, hard headed, kind, humorous, loud, honest, trustworthy
Likes:nature, flying, candy, eating, quidditch, thunderstorms, rain, people who are honest, magical creatures, the smell of sweet perfumes, people who aren't fake, talking, people who actually have conversation, being active, her cell phone and laptop, muggle things in general, animals
Dislikes: liars, hot humid weather, reading, being bored, pickles, peanuts, and peanut butter, girls or guys who think that they're better than others, shopping, war
Strengths:being honest, being loyal, quidditch, care of magical creatures, dada, transfiguration, swimming, being a good friends
Weaknesses:guys, getting emotionally hurt, hot weather, food, candy, cell phone, losing family member or friends, can't handle being depressed or bored
Wand Wood: Elder
Wand Core: Dragon Heart-string
Wand Length: 13 inches (flexible)
Pet(s): small female barn owl, named Jin
Mother:Jinee Mills(squib)
Father: Jared Mills(pure-blood)
Sibling(s): none
Other Important Family: none
History:Jinee and Jared found each other at the ministry about 20 years ago. Jinee being a squib was always treated like she wasn't even part of the magical community. Both her parents never looked upon her as something special how could they love their daughter when she had no magical ability of any kind? So she was pretty much pushed away from her family. Then she met Jared Mills a pure-blood. He was always there for her no matter what and actually treated her like a person, soon they were married and had Sophia.
Sophia unlike many babies that were born she was able to change her hair color from the time she was born, depending on what mood she was in. Jared Mills mother was a metamorphagus an was able to change her appearance as well.
Years passed on and her and her family realized that she was a witch and her mother was very proud of her along with her father. Sophie's life went about as any normal child's would playing imaginary friends, mischeif... When she turned eleven she received her Hogwarts letter by owl.
Alias: Allison
RP Experience: 7 years on and off
RP Sample: Sophie walked along the streets of Diagon Alley. Sophie and her mother were school shopping. The alley wasn't packed in fact there was hardly anyone out an about, it was still early to be shopping anyways. That's exactly the reason she was shopping. She hated being stuck in large crowds and not able to get out quickly; Sophie hated shopping period. Her mother was mainly the one picking out things. Sophie had her wand and owl and that's all she needed.
Though she did like to go into the pet shops. Sophie strolled into the Magical Menagerie. This place was crowed but not by people cages hanging all over the walls filled with different animals that she really wanted but she knew her mother would never let her have anything other than the dog, cat and owl that she already had. Sophie had to do odd jobs to take care of them anyways. That consisted of their vet bills, food, pampering and whatnot. Sophie did have a good mind to steal a small little animal. A Puffskein.
"Good morning sir how much for this little Puffskein?" Sophie asked.
"For you ma'ma you can have the little rodent for free. He's a little scavenger." the clerk stated.
A smiled covered Sophie's face. Puffskein's eat anything pretty much, so she really would have to work to hard to take care of it.
She took the little creature and thanked the clerk and went along her way to find her mother and tell her the 'great' news about the little animal she just got for free.